Who’s Your Daddy?: Reminds Me Of Home

This game is…


Well it’s something.

Who’s Your Daddy is a very casual 1 v 1 game, where an idiot father has to stop his baby boy from committing suicide in many violent, horrific, yet unnervingly realistic ways. You get to play as either the dad or the child, and either prevent infant death, or avidly seek demise. There are numerous little chores for the father to do as well, to earn power-ups. The round ends when either the baby dies, or mum gets home.

Now I could critically deconstruct this game and tear it apart, but you’ve gotta realise that this game isn’t supposed to be polished and it’s constantly being updated. What I write would likely be out of date. The focus on this game is god old fashioned fun, and it doesn’t have to be anything else.


Now while the controller support is buggy and doesn’t work at all, they keyboard and mouse work just fine. Movement feels perfectly fine, and the interactions are exactly what they need to be, when they need to be. Picking up items, crouching, sprinting and laying down all work fine.

The visuals are comically terrible. The house you play in is a very nice environment full of hazards, and it looks fine, but the player models are actually frightening. Eyes popping out, open mouths, legs going through torsos…it’s like a horror movie and I love it. It’s in “so bad it’s good” territory.

Both player types are very fun to use, and have their own strengths and weaknesses. The baby is faster sprinting, but the father can reach higher ledges and has a good walk speed. The game is balanced slightly in the baby’s favour, but these kinks are being worked out so it is harder for the baby to die.


All this game is, is fun. There’s no need for anything more than that. It plays well, feels good to play, is hilarious and creative, and it’s cheap. I’d recommend picking it up for some simple, comical fun.

It’s currently $4.99USD on Steam. Check it out!

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